Installing Media Server Applications on Synology
Learn how to install sabnzbd, transmission, jackett, sonarr and radarr via docker on your Synology NAS
full course- What are the Media Server Applications?
- Prepare Synology for Media Components
- Sabnzbd Prerequisites
- Install the SABnzbd Container
- Configure SABnzbd
- Install the Sonarr Container
- Configuring Sonarr
- Installing Jackett
- Installing Transmission with OpenVPN
- Adding Bittorrent to Sonarr
- Create a Radarr Container
- Configuring Radarr
Jackett is a database for bittorrent indexers. This allows you to refer to internal resources when configuring radarr and sonarr, which then get mapped to external API. It makes it really easy to add more bittorrent indexers to expand the breadth of your searches.
Running Jackett Container
The docker project for jackett can be found here along with the documentation. The good news is that jackett is the easiest component to setup and there is no configuration.
SSH into your NAS and locate your docker-compose file. We’re going to add this text to the end of the file. Again, be careful of spacing.
container_name: jackett
- PUID="${PUID}"
- PGID="${PGID}"
- TZ="${TZ}"
- /volume1/docker/jackett:/config
- 9117:9117
restart: unless-stopped
I don’t use blackhole, so I just omitted that volume. I’m also leaving the port alone since its a unique one.
Stop your running docker compose
sudo docker-compose down
and restart it with the new configuration
sudo docker-compose up -d
And verify that jacket is running by going to http://${your nas ip}:9117
. You should see the jacket home page:

I also recommend setting an admin password, especially if you want to access this outside of your network via reverse proxy. That at the bottom of the page. Enter an Admin password
and hit Set Password
That’s it! Now we can start deploying and configuring our torrent client.
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