Sabnzbd Prerequisites

Sabnzbd Prerequisites

Installing Media Server Applications on Synology

Learn how to install sabnzbd, transmission, jackett, sonarr and radarr via docker on your Synology NAS

full course
  1. What are the Media Server Applications?
  2. Prepare Synology for Media Components
  3. Sabnzbd Prerequisites
  4. Install the SABnzbd Container
  5. Configure SABnzbd
  6. Install the Sonarr Container
  7. Configuring Sonarr
  8. Installing Jackett
  9. Installing Transmission with OpenVPN
  10. Adding Bittorrent to Sonarr
  11. Create a Radarr Container
  12. Configuring Radarr

Before we get started we’ll need to setup a usenet host and an nzb indexer.

Usenet Host

A usenet host is going to keep track of all of the usenet posts. NZB are .rar compressed files that broken into segments that are small enough to post into usenet. So we’ll need a host that keeps a deep archive of usenet posts, doesn’t track user behavior as well as maintains a lenient policy to store content.

I use You can use whoever you like. You’ll need the NNTP server address and your username and password to configure Sabnzbd.

NZB Tracker

You’ll also need an NZB tracker which tracks the NZB files that have been posted to usenet. It’s similar to a bittorrent tracker (if you’re familiar with those). I use nzbplanet. They have a very janky registration process which you’ll have to use because the free account doesn’t allow you the functionality you’ll need. There are other indexers, but I’m not going to review them or explain how to use them (because I’ve never used them). From here you’ll need an API URL and an API Key.

Once you’ve got these two services setup, we’ll move on to the Sabnzbd container install and configuration.

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