Installing Media Server Applications on Synology
Learn how to install sabnzbd, transmission, jackett, sonarr and radarr via docker on your Synology NAS
full course- What are the Media Server Applications?
- Prepare Synology for Media Components
- Sabnzbd Prerequisites
- Install the SABnzbd Container
- Configure SABnzbd
- Install the Sonarr Container
- Configuring Sonarr
- Installing Jackett
- Installing Transmission with OpenVPN
- Adding Bittorrent to Sonarr
- Create a Radarr Container
- Configuring Radarr
Sonarr has been installed and now we need to configure it.
Click on Settings and start with the Media Management tab. Make sur that Advanced Settings is Shown. Select Yes to Rename Episodes. Select Yes to delete empty folders. Hit Save.
On the Indexers Tab we’re going to configure NZBPlanet (or your indexer if different). Click the big plus and select from the Presets dropdown.

The only thing we need to fill in is the api key. This is located on the Profile page of NZBPlanet. Copy that from NZBPlanet into the correct field in Sonarr. Hit test. You should see a succeeded message in the lower left. Hit Save.
Choose the Download Client tab. Click the big plus button. Select SABnzbd.

Set Name
to sabnzbd
, Host
to your NAS ip address, Port
to 28080 and Category
to tv. You get the API key from SABnzbd in the config (gear) under the General

Hit test. Confirm you get a connection and then hit save.
Scroll down to Remote Path Mappings. Add a new mapping which will let sonarr
know where to pick up completed shows from sabnzbd
. Use your NAS ip address as Host. The Remote Path will be the location on the internal sabnzbd container filesystem where sabnzbd puts completed tv shows. Finally, enter the mapping that you used for usenet-downloads and append /tv onto it. If you’re using my config it will look like this:

Hit save.
I also recommend setting a username and password, especially if you want to access this outside of your network via reverse proxy. That is under Settings/General
. Scroll down to Security
. I prefer form login page, add a username and password.
That should be it for configuration. Lets test out that we have integration with SABnzbd.
Import Your Library
Sonarr needs to know where your library is so it knows where to put completed downloads. Click on Series on the top nav. Click the Add Series button. Then click Import Existing Series On Disk button. In the next screen

Click the blue folder button. Choose /tv
(or wherever you mapped /volume1/video/completed/tv
from your NAS folder). If you already migrated your library here, you should see your files. If not, this is where your existing tv show directories and files should go. Hit Ok. Then hit the green check mark on the next screen.

Sonarr will begin importing your library. You will have to click on the green plus sign next to each series. However, there’s a hack to click them all mentioned here. Wait until the console finishes importing (you’ll also see notifications on the sonar console when it’s scanning and finishing the imports.
Test a Download
Click on the Series on the top nav. Click add series and find something to test with. In the profile dropdown, choose your quality profile.

Then just hit the plus (not the magnifying glass). The magnifying glass will go download everything, we just want to try one episode. When you add it, you will see a Go to Series button on the lower right. Click that and find a recent episode to test with. Click Manual Search.

Find a good candidate (small size, low age) and Choose add to download queue.

Then click over to the Activity tab and confirm its in there and making progress. You can also open up SAB in a window and confirm its downloading there.

When the file completes downloading it should disappear from your queue in Activity tab. It should also show up in your sonarr library.
There are a few areas I’ve found where you can get stuck:
Permissions – Since we’re using the same user for all of our apps and telling sabnzbd to change permissions to allow all for all users we’ve eliminated the risk here. If you’re using different users for each app or didn’t set sabnzbd to change permissions, check there first.
Remote Path Mappings – This one is tricky and still gets me from time to time. These will always be referring to the filesystem inside the containers. They will never refer to the ‘real’ filesystem in your NAS.
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