Scraping ROM Metadata

Scraping ROM Metadata

Learn how to assemble, install and customize retropie to build a home emulation console.

full course
  1. Overview and Prerequisites For Building a RetroPie
  2. Flashing Retropie
  3. RetroPie First Startup
  4. Installing ROMs
  5. Scraping ROM Metadata
  6. Adding Themes and Splashscreen
  7. Adding Background Music to EmulationStation
  8. Starting EmulationStation and Theme Setup

In order to help make EmulationStation useful and good looking we want to add metadata to the ROMs in the library. We can use skyscraper to do this.

Configure Your Controller

Reboot your Pi and wait for it to get to the EmulationStation screen. Lets configure the controller now (make sure its plugged in). Follow the onscreen instructions to set the buttons.

We need to update some files that may be in use if emulationstation is running. To see if emulationstation is running use this command. Hit menu (start), choose quit, quit emulationstation and confirm quit.

Running Skyscraper

I prefer to run via SSH, but you can use the keyboard directly into the console if you prefer. Run RetroPie setup.

 $ sudo RetroPie-Setup/

Go to Configuration/tools / skyscraper

There’s several steps here:

  • Configure
  • Gather and cache resources
  • Generate game lists

Let’s set configuration first. Go to cache options and commands. Make sure that cache screenshots, covers, wheels, marquees are enabled. Go back. Go to generate options. Make sure that ROM Names is using Source name and make sure that use ROM folders for game list and media is enabled (this stores the media files in a directory under the console). Go back. Enable download videos. That should be it for configuration.

Now go to gather resources. Enable every system that you have ROMs for. and hit Start and then hit Proceed. This will start to pull the resources down for you.

Now go to generate game lists. Again select every system that you have ROMs for (and you just gathered resources for). Hit start.

Now you can exit.

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