Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster

Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster

Spring Application Deployed with Kubernetes

Step by step building an application using Spring Boot and deployed via Docker on Kubernetes with Helm

full course
  1. Setup: IDE and New Project
  2. Create the Data Repository
  3. Building a Service Layer
  4. Create a REST Controller
  5. Logging, Tracing and Error Handling
  6. Documentation and Code Coverage
  7. Database as a Service
  8. Containerize the Service With Docker
  9. Docker Registry
  10. Automated Build Pipeline
  11. Helm for Deployment
  12. Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster
  13. Automating Deployment (for CICD)
  14. System Design
  15. Messaging and Event Driven Design
  16. Web UI with React
  17. Containerizing our UI
  18. UI Build Pipeline
  19. Put the UI in to Helm
  20. Creating an Ingress in Kubernetes
  21. Simplify Deployment
  22. Conclusion and Review

Finally, we’re going to be able to deploy our application. We need to get access to a cluster first.

Install Tooling

We’re going to need more tools in order to get started. Use your OS package management tool to install these tools:

  • Kubectl (Interact with a k8s instance)
  • Minikube (Run a cluster locally)

I’m not going to cover how to install these tools, there’s plenty of documentation out there and it would take too much time to cover.

When you startup minikube it will automatically update your kube config file with the correct settings to talk to minikube.

Kubectl is the tool that we’ll use to interact with k8s. Specifically, helm will be using it to apply our deployment files that helm generates.

Setting up Security

First we want to setup some secrets to hold configuration that we don’t want to check into git. We could create deployment files in helm and let helm do it for us, but that runs the risk that we accidentally check in a file that has credentials in it. So lets do that by hand for now.

Docker Registry

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username=Mcodefresh username> --docker-password=<code fresh docker access key>

This step tells minikube how to connect to codefresh in order to pull down the images we’ve built.

Database Credentials

kubectl create secret generic database-secrets --from-literal=SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=<postgres user> --from-literal=SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=<postgres password>

We’re going to store the database credentials in a secret which makes them available to our deployment files later.

Update Helm Template

We need to add some more configuration to helm. Open deployment.yaml and update with these additions:

(line 24)
    - name: regcred
(line 51)
            {{- range $key, $value := .Values.extraEnv }}
            - name: {{ $key }}
              value: {{ $value | quote }}
            {{- end }}
{{- if .Values.secretsToEnv }}
{{ toYaml .Values.secretsToEnv | indent 12 }}
{{- end }}

Be very careful of editing yaml. Its very sensitive to indentation. Double check my branch to see what the correct yaml file should look like.

We also need to update the values.yaml to add the mapping for our database credentials. Add this under extraEnv: {}

extraEnv: {}

        name: database-secrets
        name: database-secrets

Here we’re reading the secretes file and injecting them into the pod environment. This snake case naming is a spring convention that matches the dot notation in an application properties file. We’re essentially writing spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password. But it a very secure way to do it (as secure as k8s secrets are)

The final thing we need to do is point our image configuration at a valid tag. Go into your codefresh docker image registry and pull a tag off of the latest build image

and put that into the values.yaml

  tag: "4165814"

Lets Finally Deploy

Everything should be setup now. Lets fire up helm and deploy into minikube

helm install medium src/main/helm/medium-customer

This is telling helm to startup a ‘release’ called medium using the template defined in that directory.

startup minikube’s k8s dashboard in a new window

minikube dashboard

and watch the pods tab to see if our image was pulled down correctly and the pod started up.

We can also get the ip for our cluster

minikube ip

and use that in a POST request with our cluster ip and the port we’ve defined this service to listen on

POST /customer/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
 "firstName": "Brian",
 "lastName":  "Rook",
 "phoneNumber": "(303)868-5511",
 "email": "[email protected]"

We should get a 201 back and we can log into the database via the DB Browser to confirm our record was stored.

Build and Commit

git checkout -b deploy
mvn clean install
git add .
git commit -m "deploy to minikube"
git push
git checkout master
git merge deploy
git push

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