Messaging and Event Driven Design

Messaging and Event Driven Design

Spring Application Deployed with Kubernetes

Step by step building an application using Spring Boot and deployed via Docker on Kubernetes with Helm

full course
  1. Setup: IDE and New Project
  2. Create the Data Repository
  3. Building a Service Layer
  4. Create a REST Controller
  5. Logging, Tracing and Error Handling
  6. Documentation and Code Coverage
  7. Database as a Service
  8. Containerize the Service With Docker
  9. Docker Registry
  10. Automated Build Pipeline
  11. Helm for Deployment
  12. Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster
  13. Automating Deployment (for CICD)
  14. System Design
  15. Messaging and Event Driven Design
  16. Web UI with React
  17. Containerizing our UI
  18. UI Build Pipeline
  19. Put the UI in to Helm
  20. Creating an Ingress in Kubernetes
  21. Simplify Deployment
  22. Conclusion and Review

In order publish messages, we need a message broker and add some logic to use the message broker. We’re going to use a cloud based SaaS service as a message broker and use spring cloud stream to interact with it.

Setup the Message Broker

We’ll need a message broker in order to publish and we can stand up a free one at cloudamqp. Go ahead and register an account. Once that is done, create a new instance. We’re going to create a free instance called medium in whatever region you want. When that is done, click on the instance to get the details. We’re going to need the host, user and password from here.

Write the Publisher Logic

Create a new package called com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging and in that package create 2 more sub packages for mapper and message. First create the message payload in message using a class called CustomerCreatedMessage:

package com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging.message;

import lombok.Data;

public class CustomerCreatedMessage {
    private Long customerId;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private String phoneNumber;
    private String email;

Create a mapper interface under mapper called CustomerMessageMapper with this content:

package com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging.mapper;

import com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging.message.CustomerCreatedMessage;
import com.brianrook.medium.customer.service.model.Customer;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;

public interface CustomerMessageMapper {
    CustomerMessageMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(CustomerMessageMapper.class);

    CustomerCreatedMessage customerToCustomerCreatedMessage(Customer customer);

in com.brianrook.medium.customer.config createCustomerCreateBinding:

package com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging;

import org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel;

public interface CustomerCreateBinding {

    MessageChannel customerCreate();

and in com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging create CustomerCreatePublisher

package com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging;

import com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging.mapper.CustomerMessageMapper;
import com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging.message.CustomerCreatedMessage;
import com.brianrook.medium.customer.service.model.Customer;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.messaging.Message;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class CustomerCreatePublisher {

    CustomerCreateBinding customerCreateBinding;

    public void publishCustomerCreate(Customer customer) {
        CustomerCreatedMessage customerMessage = CustomerMessageMapper.INSTANCE.customerToCustomerCreatedMessage(customer);
        Message<CustomerCreatedMessage> msg = MessageBuilder.withPayload(customerMessage).build();


and hook it into our service CustomerService:

CustomerCreatePublisher customerCreatePublisher;
public Customer saveCustomer(Customer customer) {
    if (customerExists(customer))
        throw new CreateCustomerException(String.format("customer with email: %s already exists", customer.getEmail()));
    Customer savedCustomer = persistCustomer(customer);

    return savedCustomer;

And finally we’ll need to configure our application, add this configuration to application.yaml:

          destination: queue.customer.create
          content-type: application/json
    addresses: amqp://***j

Here we’re telling spring boot to create a rabbit destination on the instance and where to connect to. Make sure to strip out the username and password from the url and replace with your own instance name.

We also need to add the rabbit binder libraries to the pom.xml



Update CustomerControllerTest to test that we can publish this message.

MessageCollector messageCollector;
AppointmentCreateBinding appointmentCreateBinding;
public void testAddCustomerSuccess() throws URISyntaxException, JsonProcessingException {
    //validate AMQP
    Message<String> publishedMessage = (Message<String>)messageCollector
    ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());

    CustomerCreatedMessage appointmentMessage = om.readValue(
public void testAddCustomerConflict() throws URISyntaxException {

    //validate AMQP

Here we’re using the spring application context to hook into the spring bindings used to talk to our AMQP broker. We’re essentially wiring in before the logic to publish a message is executed and pulling the messages out of the pipeline before they get sent. We can also confirm that messages are not sent in the case of errors.

We’ve also added significant functionality so lets update our application version using semantic versioning. Update the pom.xml:


I was also having trouble with the LoggingAspect trying to log system actions on startup, so I changed the pointcut configuration to look like this, in order to limit what was visible to aspectj:

@Around("within(com.brianrook.medium.customer.controller. .*) " +
        "&& within(com.brianrook.medium.customer.service. .*) " +
        "&& within(com.brianrook.medium.customer.messaging. .*) " +
        "&& within(com.brianrook.medium.customer.dao. .*) ) ")

We can also startup the application locally if we add the following configuration to the application startup config:
-Dspring.datasource.username=<db username>
-Dspring.datasource.password=<db password>
-Dspring.rabbitmq.username=<cloudamqp username>
-Dspring.rabbitmq.password=<cloudamqp password>

If we save a customer, we should be able to see a message published in the cloudamqp manager console.

Kubernetes Configuration

This configuration is only valid for running locally for tests though. We need to configure our running application. We can do that by adding to our helm values.yaml file and uploading another secrets file.


content: |-
            destination: queue.customer.create
            content-type: application/json
      addresses: amqp://***j
        name: amqp-secrets
        name: amqp-secrets

Upload your secrets file

kubectl create secret generic amqp-secrets --from-literal=SPRING_RABBITMQ_PASSWORD=<cloud amqp password> --from-literal=SPRING_RABBITMQ_USERNAME=<cloud amqp user/vhost>

Build and Commit

git checkout -b customer-updates
mvn clean install
git add .
git commit -m "new functionality and publishing"
git push --set-upstream origin customer-updates
git checkout master
git merge customer-updates
git push

Now lets let the build pipeline generate a new chart version and use the updated chart to deploy to minikube

After the build completes go to the helm chart registry and locate the latest version

In this case we want 5

take a look at helm to see what is currently deployed

$ helm list
NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
medium  default         2               2020-04-04 13:56:58.2124564 -0600 MDT   deployed        medium-customer-3       0.0.1

update the repositories

helm repo update

now list our repo contents

$ helm search repo codefresh
NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
codefresh/medium-customer       5               0.0.1           A Helm chart for Kubernetes

we can see that the chart versions match, so we pulled down the latest built version. Lets deploy it.

helm upgrade medium codefresh/medium-customer --version=5

we should be able to verify any of the new functionality we added

GET /customer/all HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: text/plain

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